Create Campaign

Create a Campaign by providing details like name, budget details, targeting settings, creatives details.

Prequisites for Campaign creation

  1. App/Website Object: an entity representing the App or a Website that is being advertised
  2. Order
  3. Creative - a combination of Asset File, Tracker Asset and some additional settings like size (for HTML creatives), whether it is rewarded etc. The steps to create a creative are:
    1. File Upload
    2. Create asset file
    3. Create creative
  4. The following things are optional for a campaign and can be used as a blacklist or whitelist:
    1. First Party Audience and Custom Audience: a list of device IDs
    2. App List: a list of publisher apps (specified by App Bundles or Placement IDs)
    3. IP List: a list of IP addresses. Needs to be a CSV uploaded to our CDN (you must use content_type text/csv when uploading file to our CDN)


Below are some examples of how to extend payload to use different settings in the campaign.

Budget / App Diversity

For CPM/CPC campaigns (campaign_type is cpm or cpc)

screenshot example
"optimization": {
    "app_diversity": "on",
    "app_budget_percentage": "25"

For CPI campaigns (campaign_type is cpi, cpi_alpha or cpa_rt)

"optimization": {
    "app_diversity": "on",
    "app_budget_percentage": "11",
    "cpi_algo_state_allowed": "exploit"

Targeting > Platform (OS Version targeting)

Targeting All OS Versions for Android:

  "targeting": {
    "os_versions": {
      "type": "all",
      "versions": [
        {"os_id": 11, "values": [{ "min": 0, "max": 999999999 }]}

Possible values for os_id are:

  • 3 if need to target iOS and Android. You cannot use this value if Order has Mobile Object.
  • 11 when targeting Android
  • 12 when targeting iOS.

Range of OS Version

  "targeting": {
    "os_versions": {
      "type": "range",
      "versions": [
        { "os_id": 11, "values": [ { "min": 131, "max": 134 } ] }

All items in values must be IDs from OS Versions.

Specific OS Versions

  "targeting": {
    "os_versions": {
      "type": "specific",
      "versions": [
        { "os_id": 11, "values": [ 134, 90 ] }

All items in values must be IDs from OS Versions.

Targeting > Smart App Categories

  "targeting": {
    "taxons": [
      {"category_id": 17, "genre_id": 3, "subgenre_id": 3},
      {"category_id": 15, "genre_id": 25, "subgenre_id": 79},
      {"category_id": 12, "genre_id": 41, "subgenre_id": 3}

Value 3 means "all". In above example

  • {"category_id": 17, "genre_id": 3, "subgenre_id": 3} we are targeting all genres of category with id 17,
  • {"category_id": 12, "genre_id": 41, "subgenre_id": 3} - target all subgenres of genre with id 41.

Use List Smart App Categories API to get list of possible values.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!