Replace Or Disable Bid Multipliers

    "bid_multipliers_enabled": true,
    "bid_multipliers" :[
            "type": "app_bundle",
            "key_name": "com.candycrush",
            "multiplier": 1.3
            "type": "app_id",
            "key_name": "12345678",
            "multiplier": 1.3
            "type": "auction_type",
            "key_name": "2",
            "multiplier": 1.3
            "type": "city_id",
            "key_name": "265148",
            "multiplier": 3.0
            "type": "connection_type",
            "key_name": "cellular",
            "multiplier": 3.0,
            "expiry_date": "2022-02-03 14:04:00 UTC"
            "type": "country_id",
            "key_name": "11",
            "multiplier": 1.1
            "type": "country_id",
            "key_name": "22",
            "multiplier": 1.3
            "type": "exchange_id",
            "key_name": "10035",
            "multiplier": 1.4,
            "expiry_date": "2022-01-24 14:04:00 UTC"
            "type": "has_device_id",
            "key_name": "0",
            "multiplier": 3.0
            "type": "state_id",
            "key_name": "99",
            "multiplier": 2.0

Use this API to replace the list of existing bid multipliers of a campaign or to enable/disable them

curl -X PUT \
'' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN' \
-d '{
  "bid_multipliers" :[
      "type": "app_bundle",
      "key_name": "com.candycrush",
      "multiplier": 1.3


This API replaces the whole list of existing multipliers with the new list so if you need to update just one multiplier, you must send the value of other attributes too or else the bid multiplier values for other attributes will be overridden and default to no multiplier value


Note that a maximum of 20 bid multipliers can be set for a field. This is particularly applicable for the fields where there is a possibility of more than 20 bid multipliers such as Apps, Exchanges and Location


You can remove bid multiplier values for one or more attributes by not listing them. This defaults to no multiplier value against them.

You can omit bid_multipliers key in the request body if you just want to disable or enable bid multipliers:

curl -X PUT \
'' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN' \
-d '{ "bid_multipliers_enabled": false }'

To remove all bid multipliers send empty array:

curl -X PUT \
'' \
-H 'Contnt-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN' \
-d '{ "bid_multipliers": [] }'

The endpoint responds with the same structure as the request body

The table below tells how to interpret key_name values for different types of bid multipliers

typekey_name values
app_bundleApp Bundle
app_idPlacement ID
auction_typeAuction Type
- "1" for 1st price auction
- "2" for 2nd price auction
city_idCity ID, use Cities for reference
state_idState ID, use States for reference
country_idCountry ID, use Countries for reference
connection_typeNetwork Type
- "cellular" for Cellular
- "wifi" for Wi-Fi
exchange_idExchange ID, use Exchanges for reference
has_device_idDevice Identifier
- "0" No device identifier present
- "1" Device Identifier is present
ad_formatAd Format
- 'Banner',
- 'Interstitial'
- 'Native'
- 'Rewarded'

Successful response will have 200 status and the body will match response of List Bid Multipliersendpoint

Unsuccessful response will have 422 status and the body will have more details about the error in JSON format.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!